use easy_repl::{command, CommandStatus, Repl}; use crate::{cfg}; use crate::op::{makesure, once}; pub fn prepare_view() { let repl_bresult = Repl::builder() .description("rumia-cli system view: /prepare") .prompt("[ rumia-cli: /prepare ] ") .add("checklist", command! { "print a checklist for prepare sequence", () => || { println!("Prepare Sequence:\n\ sysfs-mount\n\ proc-mount\n\ bootfs-mount\n\ cfg-phase2-load\n\ initrd-env-load\n\ run-mount-from-cfg\ "); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .add("bootfs-mount", command! { "mount /boot", () => || { makesure::mkdir_p("/boot"); once::mount_bootfs(); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .add("cfg-phase2-load", command! { "load rumia config phase 2", () => || { cfg::load_phase2(); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .add("initrd-env-load", command! { "load rumia config phase 2", () => || { makesure::export_initrd_env_from_cfg(); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .add("env-load", command! { "load rumia config phase 2", () => || { makesure::export_env_from_cfg(); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .add("run-mount-cli", command! { "mount '/run' with given option", (option: String) => |option:String| { makesure::mkdir_p("/run"); once::mount_runfs(option.as_str()); makesure::mkdir_p_with_mode("/run/initramfs", 0o755); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .add("run-mount-from-cfg", command! { "mount '/run' with config", () => || { makesure::mkdir_p("/run"); once::mount_runfs_from_cfg(); makesure::mkdir_p_with_mode("/run/initramfs", 0o755); Ok(CommandStatus::Done) } }) .build(); let mut repl = match repl_bresult { Ok(t) => t, Err(err) => { println!("[ERROR] fatal error when initializing this view: {:?}", err); return; } }; let repl_run_result =; match repl_run_result { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { println!("[ERROR] this view crash by error: {:?}", err); println!("back to parent view..."); } }; }