from __future__ import with_statement __version__ = '0.31' __license__ = 'MIT' import re import os import sys import finalseg import time import tempfile import marshal from math import log import random import threading from functools import wraps DICTIONARY = "dict.txt" DICT_LOCK = threading.RLock() trie = None # to be initialized FREQ = {} min_freq = 0.0 total =0.0 user_word_tag_tab={} initialized = False def gen_trie(f_name): lfreq = {} trie = {} ltotal = 0.0 with open(f_name, 'rb') as f: lineno = 0 for line in'utf-8').split('\n'): lineno += 1 try: word,freq,_ = line.split(' ') freq = float(freq) lfreq[word] = freq ltotal+=freq p = trie for c in word: if not c in p: p[c] ={} p = p[c] p['']='' #ending flag except ValueError, e: print >> sys.stderr, f_name, ' at line', lineno, line raise e return trie, lfreq,ltotal def initialize(*args): global trie, FREQ, total, min_freq, initialized if len(args)==0: dictionary = DICTIONARY else: dictionary = args[0] with DICT_LOCK: if initialized: return if trie: del trie trie = None _curpath=os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__) ) ) abs_path = os.path.join(_curpath,dictionary) print >> sys.stderr, "Building Trie..., from " + abs_path t1 = time.time() if abs_path == os.path.join(_curpath,"dict.txt"): #defautl dictionary cache_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),"jieba.cache") else: #customer dictionary cache_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),"jieba.user."+str(hash(abs_path))+".cache") load_from_cache_fail = True if os.path.exists(cache_file) and os.path.getmtime(cache_file)>os.path.getmtime(abs_path): print >> sys.stderr, "loading model from cache " + cache_file try: trie,FREQ,total,min_freq = marshal.load(open(cache_file,'rb')) load_from_cache_fail = False except: load_from_cache_fail = True if load_from_cache_fail: trie,FREQ,total = gen_trie(abs_path) FREQ = dict([(k,log(float(v)/total)) for k,v in FREQ.iteritems()]) #normalize min_freq = min(FREQ.itervalues()) print >> sys.stderr, "dumping model to file cache " + cache_file try: tmp_suffix = "."+str(random.random()) with open(cache_file+tmp_suffix,'wb') as temp_cache_file: marshal.dump((trie,FREQ,total,min_freq),temp_cache_file) if'nt': import shutil replace_file = shutil.move else: replace_file = os.rename replace_file(cache_file+tmp_suffix,cache_file) except: print >> sys.stderr, "dump cache file failed." import traceback print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc() initialized = True print >> sys.stderr, "loading model cost ", time.time() - t1, "seconds." print >> sys.stderr, "Trie has been built succesfully." def require_initialized(fn): global initialized,DICTIONARY @wraps(fn) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): if initialized: return fn(*args, **kwargs) else: initialize(DICTIONARY) return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped def __cut_all(sentence): dag = get_DAG(sentence) old_j = -1 for k,L in dag.iteritems(): if len(L)==1 and k>old_j: yield sentence[k:L[0]+1] old_j = L[0] else: for j in L: if j>k: yield sentence[k:j+1] old_j = j def calc(sentence,DAG,idx,route): N = len(sentence) route[N] = (0.0,'') for idx in xrange(N-1,-1,-1): candidates = [ ( FREQ.get(sentence[idx:x+1],min_freq) + route[x+1][0],x ) for x in DAG[idx] ] route[idx] = max(candidates) @require_initialized def get_DAG(sentence): N = len(sentence) i,j=0,0 p = trie DAG = {} while i=N: i+=1 j=i p=trie else: p = trie i+=1 j=i for i in xrange(len(sentence)): if not i in DAG: DAG[i] =[i] return DAG def __cut_DAG(sentence): DAG = get_DAG(sentence) route ={} calc(sentence,DAG,0,route=route) x = 0 buf =u'' N = len(sentence) while x0: if len(buf)==1: yield buf buf=u'' else: if not (buf in FREQ): regognized = finalseg.cut(buf) for t in regognized: yield t else: for elem in buf: yield elem buf=u'' yield l_word x =y if len(buf)>0: if len(buf)==1: yield buf else: if not (buf in FREQ): regognized = finalseg.cut(buf) for t in regognized: yield t else: for elem in buf: yield elem def cut(sentence,cut_all=False): if not isinstance(sentence, unicode): try: sentence = sentence.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: sentence = sentence.decode('gbk','ignore') re_han, re_skip = re.compile(ur"([\u4E00-\u9FA5a-zA-Z0-9+#&\._]+)", re.U), re.compile(ur"(\r\n|\s)", re.U) if cut_all: re_han, re_skip = re.compile(ur"([\u4E00-\u9FA5]+)", re.U), re.compile(ur"[^a-zA-Z0-9+#\n]", re.U) blocks = re_han.split(sentence) cut_block = __cut_DAG if cut_all: cut_block = __cut_all for blk in blocks: if re_han.match(blk): #pprint.pprint(__cut_DAG(blk)) for word in cut_block(blk): yield word else: tmp = re_skip.split(blk) for x in tmp: if re_skip.match(x): yield x elif not cut_all: for xx in x: yield xx else: yield x def cut_for_search(sentence): words = cut(sentence) for w in words: if len(w)>2: for i in xrange(len(w)-1): gram2 = w[i:i+2] if gram2 in FREQ: yield gram2 if len(w)>3: for i in xrange(len(w)-2): gram3 = w[i:i+3] if gram3 in FREQ: yield gram3 yield w @require_initialized def load_userdict(f): global trie,total,FREQ if isinstance(f, (str, unicode)): f = open(f, 'rb') content ='utf-8') line_no = 0 for line in content.split("\n"): line_no+=1 if line.rstrip()=='': continue tup =line.split(" ") word,freq = tup[0],tup[1] if line_no==1: word = word.replace(u'\ufeff',u"") #remove bom flag if it exists if len(tup)==3: add_word(word, freq, tup[2]) else: add_word(word, freq) def add_word(word, freq, tag=None): global FREQ, trie, total, user_word_tag_tab freq = float(freq) FREQ[word] = log(freq / total) if tag is not None: user_word_tag_tab[word] = tag.strip() p = trie for c in word: if not c in p: p[c] = {} p = p[c] p[''] = '' # ending flag __ref_cut = cut __ref_cut_for_search = cut_for_search def __lcut(sentence): return list(__ref_cut(sentence,False)) def __lcut_all(sentence): return list(__ref_cut(sentence,True)) def __lcut_for_search(sentence): return list(__ref_cut_for_search(sentence)) @require_initialized def enable_parallel(processnum=None): global pool,cut,cut_for_search if'nt': raise Exception("jieba: parallel mode only supports posix system") if sys.version_info[0]==2 and sys.version_info[1]<6: raise Exception("jieba: the parallel feature needs Python version>2.5 ") from multiprocessing import Pool,cpu_count if processnum==None: processnum = cpu_count() pool = Pool(processnum) def pcut(sentence,cut_all=False): parts = re.compile('([\r\n]+)').split(sentence) if cut_all: result =,parts) else: result =,parts) for r in result: for w in r: yield w def pcut_for_search(sentence): parts = re.compile('([\r\n]+)').split(sentence) result =,parts) for r in result: for w in r: yield w cut = pcut cut_for_search = pcut_for_search def disable_parallel(): global pool,cut,cut_for_search if 'pool' in globals(): pool.close() pool = None cut = __ref_cut cut_for_search = __ref_cut_for_search def set_dictionary(dictionary_path): global initialized, DICTIONARY with DICT_LOCK: abs_path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), dictionary_path ) ) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): raise Exception("jieba: path does not exists:" + abs_path) DICTIONARY = abs_path initialized = False def get_abs_path_dict(): _curpath=os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__) ) ) abs_path = os.path.join(_curpath,DICTIONARY) return abs_path def tokenize(unicode_sentence,mode="default"): #mode ("default" or "search") if not isinstance(unicode_sentence, unicode): raise Exception("jieba: the input parameter should unicode.") start = 0 if mode=='default': for w in cut(unicode_sentence): width = len(w) yield (w,start,start+width) start+=width else: for w in cut(unicode_sentence): width = len(w) if len(w)>2: for i in xrange(len(w)-1): gram2 = w[i:i+2] if gram2 in FREQ: yield (gram2,start+i,start+i+2) if len(w)>3: for i in xrange(len(w)-2): gram3 = w[i:i+3] if gram3 in FREQ: yield (gram3,start+i,start+i+3) yield (w,start,start+width) start+=width