[sshserver] bind_address = "" # The host key for SSH server. If it does not exist, a new # key will be generated. host_key_file = "./data/keys/sshhost.key" # If Host Key doesn't exist, how many bits will the new key # be generated. defult_key_length = 2048 [auth] # The max times for trying bad passwords or certs. max_auth_tries = 3 # The super user has permissions to manage users. super_user = admin # : # One user per line. # You can use tools/bcryptGen to generated it. # e.g.: # # /home/gopath/git.swzry.com/zry/NSMCServerLauncher/tools $ ./bcryptGen admin admin # admin:$2a$10$F8XHjF/ZEtRF01VqAKBHOOO7cHXm3WcNY46Q..UWswXVlIEo23fuC # /home/gopath/git.swzry.com/zry/NSMCServerLauncher/tools $ ./bcryptGen test test123 # test:$2a$10$jZ81hDAI4lTO5pBJBYbY4OJn5tuZAeqgFm.Kbe8waRfJpOxiGg.v. [users] admin:$2a$10$F8XHjF/ZEtRF01VqAKBHOOO7cHXm3WcNY46Q..UWswXVlIEo23fuC test:$2a$10$jZ81hDAI4lTO5pBJBYbY4OJn5tuZAeqgFm.Kbe8waRfJpOxiGg.v.