MahApps.Metro A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. This CommandTriggerAction can be used to bind any event on any FrameworkElement to an . This trigger can only be attached to a FrameworkElement or a class deriving from FrameworkElement. This class is inspired from Laurent Bugnion and his EventToCommand. See license.txt in this solution or Identifies the dependency property Gets or sets the command that this trigger is bound to. Identifies the dependency property Gets or sets an object that will be passed to the attached to this trigger. Updates all glow windows (visible, hidden, collapsed) Sets the opacity to all glow windows Starts the opacity storyboard 0 -> 1 Shows all glow windows Gets or sets the bindable Password property on the PasswordBox control. This is a dependency property. Handles changes to the 'Password' attached property. Handle the 'PasswordChanged'-event on the PasswordBox Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject. Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject. Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred. Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject. Sets the first TabItem with Visibility="" as the SelectedItem of the TabControl. If there is no visible TabItem, null is set as the SelectedItem Represents a border whose contents are clipped within the bounds of the border. The border may have rounded corners. BorderThickness Dependency Property Gets or sets the BorderThickness property. This dependency property indicates the BorderThickness. Checks if the given Thickness is valid or not Thickness Padding Dependency Property Gets or sets the Padding property. This dependency property indicates the Padding. CornerRadius Dependency Property Gets or sets the CornerRadius property. This dependency property indicates the CornerRadius of the border. Checks if the given CornerRadius is valid or not CornerRadius BorderBrush Dependency Property Gets or sets the BorderBrush property. This dependency property indicates the BorderBrush with which the Border is drawn. Background Dependency Property Gets or sets the Background property. This dependency property indicates the Background with which the Background is drawn. OptimizeClipRendering Dependency Property Gets or sets the OptimizeClipRendering property. This dependency property indicates whether the rendering of the clip should be optimized. When set to true, In order to optimize the rendering of the clipped Child, the background is rendered with the same brush as the border. Any other brush set for the background will be ignored. The Child will be rendered on top of it. This is done to prevent any gaps between the border the the clipped Child (this is evidently visible if both the Border and the Child are of same color). This works best when the Child does not have any level of transparency and is opaque. Updates DesiredSize of the ClipBorder. Called by parent UIElement. This is the first pass of layout. Border determines its desired size it needs from the specified border the child: its sizing properties, margin, and requested size. Constraint size is an "upper limit" that the return value should not exceed. The Decorator's desired size. ClipBorder computes the position of its single child and applies its child's alignments to the child. The size reserved for this element by the parent The actual ink area of the element, typically the same as finalSize Here the ClipBorder's Child, Border and Background are rendered. Drawing Context Generates a StreamGeometry. An already opened StreamGeometryContext. Rectangle for geomentry conversion. The core points of the border which needs to be used to create the geometry Result geometry. Encapsulates the details of each of the core points of the border which is calculated based on the given CornerRadius, BorderThickness, Padding and a flag to indicate whether the inner or outer border is to be calculated. CornerRadius BorderThickness Padding Flag to indicate whether outer or inner border needs to be calculated A few very useful extension methods Returns whether or not two doubles are "close". The first double to compare. The second double to compare. bool - the result of the AreClose comparision. Returns whether or not the first double is less than the second double. The first double to compare. The second double to compare. bool - the result of the LessThan comparision. Returns whether or not the first double is greater than the second double. The first double to compare. The second double to compare. bool - the result of the GreaterThan comparision. Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 1. Same as AreClose(double, 1), but this is faster. The double to compare to 1. bool - the result of the AreClose comparision. IsZero - Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 0. Same as AreClose(double, 0), but this is faster. The double to compare to 0. bool - the result of the AreClose comparision. Compares two points for fuzzy equality. This function helps compensate for the fact that double values can acquire error when operated upon The first point to compare The second point to compare Whether or not the two points are equal Compares two Size instances for fuzzy equality. This function helps compensate for the fact that double values can acquire error when operated upon The first size to compare The second size to compare Whether or not the two Size instances are equal Compares two Vector instances for fuzzy equality. This function helps compensate for the fact that double values can acquire error when operated upon The first Vector to compare The second Vector to compare Whether or not the two Vector instances are equal Compares two rectangles for fuzzy equality. This function helps compensate for the fact that double values can acquire error when operated upon The first rectangle to compare The second rectangle to compare Whether or not the two rectangles are equal Faster check for NaN ( faster than double.IsNaN() ) IEEE 754 : If the argument is any value in the range 0x7ff0000000000001L through 0x7fffffffffffffffL or in the range 0xfff0000000000001L through 0xffffffffffffffffL, the result will be NaN. Value to check Rounds the given value based on the DPI scale Value to round DPI Scale Verifies if this Thickness contains only valid values The set of validity checks is passed as parameters. Thickness value allows negative values allows Double.NaN allows Double.PositiveInfinity allows Double.NegativeInfinity Whether or not the thickness complies to the range specified Method to add up the left and right size as width, as well as the top and bottom size as height Thickness Size Verifies if the Thickness contains only zero values Thickness Size Verifies if all the values in Thickness are same Thickness true if yes, otherwise false Verifies if this CornerRadius contains only valid values The set of validity checks is passed as parameters. CornerRadius value allows negative values allows Double.NaN allows Double.PositiveInfinity allows Double.NegativeInfinity Whether or not the CornerRadius complies to the range specified Verifies if the CornerRadius contains only zero values CornerRadius Size Verifies if the CornerRadius contains same values CornerRadius true if yes, otherwise false Deflates rectangle by given thickness Rectangle Thickness Deflated Rectangle Inflates rectangle by given thickness Rectangle Thickness Inflated Rectangle Verifies if the given brush is a SolidColorBrush and its color does not include transparency. Brush true if yes, otherwise false Verifies if the given brush is the same as the otherBrush. Brush Brush true if yes, otherwise false Defines the method that determines whether the command can execute in its current state. true if this command can be executed; otherwise, false. Data used by the command. If the command does not require data to be passed, this object can be set to null. Defines the method to be called when the command is invoked. Data used by the command. If the command does not require data to be passed, this object can be set to null. The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property. Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case Default Value: CharacterCasing.Normal Character casing of the Content The DependencyProperty for the RecognizesAccessKey property. Default Value: false Determine if the inner ContentPresenter should use AccessText in its style This custom popup is used by the validation error template. It provides some additional nice features: - repositioning if host-window size or location changed - repositioning if host-window gets maximized and vice versa - it's only topmost if the host-window is activated Gets/sets if the popup can be closed by left mouse button down. Called when a cell has just switched to edit mode. A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement. The event args of the input event that caused the cell to go into edit mode. May be null. The unedited value of the cell. Synchronizes the column property. Taken from Helper code for DataGrid. Taken from Helper code for DataGrid. The DependencyProperty for the StringFormat property. Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying value. The DependencyProperty for the Minimum property. The DependencyProperty for the Maximum property. The DependencyProperty for the Interval property. The DependencyProperty for the HideUpDownButtons property. The DependencyProperty for the UpDownButtonsWidth property. The DependencyProperty for the FontFamily property. Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontFamily The font family of the desired font. The DependencyProperty for the FontSize property. Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontSize The size of the desired font. The DependencyProperty for the FontStyle property. Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontStyle The style of the desired font. The DependencyProperty for the FontWeight property. Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontWeight The weight or thickness of the desired font. The DependencyProperty for the Foreground property. Default Value: SystemColors.ControlTextBrush An brush that describes the foreground color. This overrides the cell foreground inherited color. Method used as property changed callback for properties which need RefreshCellContent to be called Rebuilds the contents of a cell in the column in response to a binding change. The cell to update. The name of the column property that has changed. The base class for dialogs. You probably don't want to use this class, if you want to add arbitrary content to your dialog, use the class. Gets/sets the dialog's title. Gets/sets arbitrary content on top of the dialog. Gets/sets arbitrary content below the dialog. Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font. The size of the dialog title font. Gets or sets the size of the dialog message font. The size of the dialog message font. Initializes a new MahApps.Metro.Controls.BaseMetroDialog. The window that is the parent of the dialog. The settings for the message dialog. Initializes a new MahApps.Metro.Controls.BaseMetroDialog. With this method it's possible to return your own settings in a custom dialog. This is called in the loaded event. Waits for the dialog to become ready for interaction. A task that represents the operation and it's status. Requests an externally shown Dialog to close. Will throw an exception if the Dialog is inside of a MetroWindow. A last chance virtual method for stopping an external dialog from closing. Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown externally. Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown inside of a window. Waits until this dialog gets unloaded. An implementation of BaseMetroDialog allowing arbitrary content. Gets the default instance if the dialog coordinator, which can be injected into a view model. Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window. The window that is the parent of the dialog. The title of the LoginDialog. The message contained within the LoginDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a InputDialog inside of the current window. The MetroWindow The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window. The MetroWindow The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. The type of buttons to use. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. A task promising the result of which button was pressed. Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window. The MetroWindow The title of the ProgressDialog. The message within the ProgressDialog. Determines if the cancel button is visible. Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings. A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation. Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously. If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with . The owning window of the dialog. The dialog instance itself. An optional pre-defined settings instance. A task representing the operation. The is already visible in the window. Adds a Metro Dialog instance of the given type to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously. If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with . The owning window of the dialog. An optional pre-defined settings instance. A task with the dialog representing the operation. Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance. The window with the dialog that is visible. The dialog instance to hide. An optional pre-defined settings instance. A task representing the operation. The is not visible in the window. This happens if hasn't been called before. Gets the current shown dialog in async way. The dialog owner. Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window. The window that is the parent of the dialog. The title of the LoginDialog. The message contained within the LoginDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a InputDialog outside of the current window. The MetroWindow The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a MessageDialog ouside of the current window. The MetroWindow The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. The type of buttons to use. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. A task promising the result of which button was pressed. Use the dialog coordinator to help you interfact with dialogs from a view model. Shows the input dialog. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Shows the input dialog. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the LoginDialog. The message contained within the LoginDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the LoginDialog. The message contained within the LoginDialog. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation. Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. The type of buttons to use. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. A task promising the result of which button was pressed. Creates a MessageDialog outside of the current window. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the MessageDialog. The message contained within the MessageDialog. The type of buttons to use. Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings. A task promising the result of which button was pressed. Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The title of the ProgressDialog. The message within the ProgressDialog. Determines if the cancel button is visible. Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings. A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation. Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously. You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with . Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The dialog instance itself. An optional pre-defined settings instance. A task representing the operation. The is already visible in the window. Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . The dialog instance to hide. An optional pre-defined settings instance. A task representing the operation. The is not visible in the window. This happens if hasn't been called before. Gets the current shown dialog. Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using . InputDialog InitializeComponent LoginDialog InitializeComponent An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead! MessageDialog InitializeComponent An enum representing the result of a Message Dialog. An enum representing the different button states for a Message Dialog. Just "OK" "OK" and "Cancel" An enum representing the different choices for a color scheme in a Metro Dialog. A class that represents the settings used by Metro Dialogs. Gets or sets wheater the owner of the dialog can be closed. Gets or sets the text used for the Affirmative button. For example: "OK" or "Yes". Enable or disable dialog hiding animation "True" - play hiding animation. "False" - skip hiding animation. Enable or disable dialog showing animation. "True" - play showing animation. "False" - skip showing animation. Gets or sets a token to cancel the dialog. Gets or sets whether the metro dialog should use the default black/white appearance (theme) or try to use the current accent. Gets or sets a custom resource dictionary which can contains custom styles, brushes or something else. Gets or sets which button should be focused by default Gets or sets the default text (just the inputdialog needed) Gets or sets the size of the dialog message font. The size of the dialog message font. Gets or sets the dialog result when the user cancelled the dialog with 'ESC' key If the value is the default behavior is determined by the .
Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font. The size of the dialog title font. Gets or sets the text used for the first auxiliary button. Gets or sets the maximum height. (Default is unlimited height, Double.NaN) Gets or sets the text used for the Negative button. For example: "Cancel" or "No". Gets or sets the text used for the second auxiliary button. If set, stops standard resource dictionaries being applied to the dialog. An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead! ProgressDialog InitializeComponent A class for manipulating an open ProgressDialog. This event is raised when the associated was closed programmatically. This event is raised when the associated was cancelled by the user. Gets if the Cancel button has been pressed. Gets if the wrapped ProgressDialog is open. Sets the ProgressBar's IsIndeterminate to true. To set it to false, call SetProgress. Sets if the Cancel button is visible. Sets the dialog's progress bar value and sets IsIndeterminate to false. The percentage to set as the value. Gets/Sets the minimum restriction of the progress Value property Gets/Sets the maximum restriction of the progress Value property Sets the dialog's message content. The message to be set. Sets the dialog's title. The title to be set. Sets the dialog's progress bar brush The brush to use for the progress bar's foreground Begins an operation to close the ProgressDialog. A task representing the operation. The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplate property. The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplateSelector property. The DependencyProperty for the ContentStringFormat property. Gets or sets the Content of this control.. ContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the control. ContentTemplateSelector allows to provide custom logic for choosing the template used to display the content of the control. This property is ignored if is set. ContentStringFormat is the format used to display the content of the control as a string This property is ignored if is set. Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution. Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command. Get or sets the Command property. Indicates whether the Menu is visible. Gets or sets an extra tag. Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking. Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part. Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part. Gets/sets the button style. Gets/sets the menu style. Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon. Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the drop down button. Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed. Gets/sets the visibility of the button arrow icon. Invoked when the property changes. Information about the change. Executes the specified action asynchronously with the DispatcherPriority.Background on the thread that the Dispatcher was created on. The dispatcher object where the action runs. An action that takes no parameters. The dispatcher priority. A control that imitate a slideshow with back/forward buttons. To counteract the double Loaded event issue. Coerce SelectedIndexProperty's value. The object that the property exists on. The new value of the property, prior to any coercion attempt. The coerced value (with appropriate type). Computes the transition when changing selected index. Previous selected index. New selected index. Gets the navigation buttons. Previous button. Next button. Inactive buttons. Applies actions to navigation buttons. Action applied to the previous button. Action applied to the next button. Action applied to the inactive buttons. Any action is null. Sets the visibility of navigation buttons. Visibility of active buttons. Changes the current slide to the previous item. Changes the current to the next item. Brings the control buttons (next/previous) into view. Removes the control buttons (next/previous) from view. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border for mouse over state is enabled or not. Gets or sets the mouse hover border brush. Gets or sets the mouse hover border thickness. Gets/sets the text that is displayed in the FlipView's banner. Gets/sets whether the FlipView's banner is visible. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigation is circular, so you get the first after last and the last before first. Gets/sets whether the FlipView's NavigationButton is visible. A sliding panel control that is hosted in a MetroWindow via a FlyoutsControl. An event that is raised when IsOpen changes. An event that is raised when the closing animation has finished. Gets/sets if the title is visible in this flyout. Gets/sets if the close button is visible in this flyout. Gets/sets if the close button is a cancel button in this flyout. Gets/sets a command which will be executed if the close button was clicked. Note that this won't execute when is set to false. Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CloseCommand. Gets/sets a command which will be executed if the close button was clicked. Gets/sets whether this flyout is visible. Gets/sets whether this flyout uses the open/close animation when changing the property. (default is true) Gets/sets whether this flyout animates the opacity of the flyout when opening/closing. Gets/sets whether this flyout stays open when the user clicks outside of it. Gets/sets the mouse button that closes the flyout on an external mouse click. Gets/sets whether this flyout is modal. Gets/sets this flyout's position in the FlyoutsControl/MetroWindow. Gets or sets the theme of this flyout. Gets or sets the focused element. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should auto close after AutoCloseInterval has passed. Gets or sets the time in milliseconds when the flyout should auto close. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should try focus an element. A FlyoutsControl is for displaying flyouts in a MetroWindow. Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set to the value of this property. Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set false. Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window. Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window, but inverted. This theme can only be applied if the host window's theme abides the "Dark" and "Light" affix convention. (see for more infos. The dark theme. This is the default theme. The flyouts theme will match the host window's accent color. GlowWindow InitializeComponent The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items. The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items. The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items. The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items. The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items. Initializes a new instance of the class. Override default OnApplyTemplate to capture children controls Event raised when an item is clicked Event raised when an options' item is clicked Event raised when an item is invoked Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a template for the hamburger icon. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a template for the hamburger icon. Gets or sets main button's width. Gets or sets main button's height. Gets or sets main button's margin. Gets or sets main button's visibility. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the options. Gets or sets the Style used for each item in the options. Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item in the options. Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item in the options. Gets the collection used to generate the content of the option list. Exception thrown if OptionsListView is not yet defined. Gets or sets the visibility of the options menu. Gets or sets the selected options menu item. Gets or sets the selected options menu index. Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an options item is clicked by the user. Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the OptionsItemCommand. Executes the options item command which can be set by the user. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the control. Gets or sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas are shown. Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode. Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the Pane area of the control. Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the Pane area of the control. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pane is expanded to its full width. Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the menu. Gets or sets the Style used for each item. Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item. Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item. Gets the collection used to generate the content of the items list. Exception thrown if ButtonsListView is not yet defined. Gets or sets the selected menu item. Gets or sets the selected menu index. Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user. Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the ItemCommand. Gets or sets wheather the ScrollBar of the HamburgerMenu is on the left side or on the right side. Gets or sets wheather a selection indicator will be shown on the HamburgerMenuItem. Gets or sets the default FocusVisualStyle for a HamburgerMenuItem. This style can be override at the HamburgerMenuItem style by setting the FocusVisualStyle property. Executes the item command which can be set by the user. EventArgs used for the ItemClick and OptionsItemClick event. Gets the clicked item EventArgs used for the ItemInvoked event. Gets the invoked item Gets a value indicating whether the invoked item is an options item The HamburgerMenuGlyphItem provides a glyph based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value that specifies the glyph to use from Segoe MDL2 Assets font. The HamburgerMenuIconItem provides an icon based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific object which can be used as icon. The HamburgerMenuImageItem provides an image based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value that specifies a bitmap to display with an Image control. The HamburgerMenuItem provides an implementation for HamburgerMenu entries. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Gets or sets a value that specifies label to display. Gets or sets a value that specifies the page to navigate to (if you use the HamburgerMenu with a Frame content) Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific value. Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user. Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the Command. Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command. Element on which to raise a command. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is enabled in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property. true if the item is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value that specifies ToolTip to display. Executes the command which can be set by the user. The HamburgerMenuItemCollection provides typed collection of HamburgerMenuItem. Represents an hour comparison operation that ensures that 12 is smaller than 1. This ensures that in the control the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM). This ensures that the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).

This comparer is used only if in the corresponding the value for is false.
Overrides the text case behavior for certain buttons. When set to true, the text case will be preserved and won't be changed to upper or lower case. DependencyProperty for property. The CornerRadius property allows users to control the roundness of the button corners independently by setting a radius value for each corner. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they smoothly blend from corner to corner. (Can be used e.g. at MetroButton style) Description taken from original Microsoft description :-D A helper class that provides various attached properties for the control. Gets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept. Sets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept. Gets the Character casing of the TextBox. Sets the Character casing of the TextBox. A helper class that provides various controls. Gets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template. Sets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template. The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property. Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case Gets the character casing of the control Sets the character casing of the control This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown Sets the brush used to draw the focus border. Gets the brush used to draw the focus border. Sets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush. Gets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush. DependencyProperty for property. The CornerRadius property allows users to control the roundness of the button corners independently by setting a radius value for each corner. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they smoothly blend from corner to corner. (Can be used e.g. at MetroButton style) Description taken from original Microsoft description :-D Gets or sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable. Gets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable. Sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable. Save the DataGrid. Get the DataGrid. Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior. Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior. Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior. Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior. Gets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not. Sets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not. Gets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior. Sets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior. A helper class that provides various attached properties for the Expander control. Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up. Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up. Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down. Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down. Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left. Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left. Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right. Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right. Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within). Gets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within). Sets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within). Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within). Gets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within). Sets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within). Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item. Gets the background brush which will be used for a selected item. Sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item. Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item. Gets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item. Sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item. Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item. Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item. Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item. Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item. Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item. Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item. Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items. Gets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items. Sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items. Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items. Gets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items. Sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items. Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items. Gets the background brush which will be used for disabled items. Sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items. Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items. Gets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items. Sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items. Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for Do not change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel. Change the value of the slider only if the control is focused. Changes the value of the slider if the mouse pointer is over this element. Gets the content of the RevealButton. Sets the content of the RevealButton. Gets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton. Sets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton. This property can be used to set vertical scrollbar left side from the tabpanel (look at MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl) Identifies the VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide attached property. This property can be used to set vertical scrollbar left side from the tabpanel (look at MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl) Gets whether the vertical ScrollBar is on the left side or not. Sets whether the vertical ScrollBar should be on the left side or not. Identifies the IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled attached property. Gets whether the ScrollViewer is scrolling horizontal by using the mouse wheel. Sets whether the ScrollViewer should be scroll horizontal by using the mouse wheel. Gets or sets the brush of the thumb. Gets the brush of the thumb. Sets the brush of the thumb. Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider. Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider. Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider. Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed. Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed. Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed. Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled. Gets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled. Sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled. Gets or sets the brush of the track. Gets the brush of the track. Sets the brush of the track. Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider. Gets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider. Sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider. Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed. Gets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed. Sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed. Gets or sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled. Gets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled. Sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled. Gets or sets the brush of the track value. Gets the brush of the track value. Sets the brush of the track value. Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider. Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider. Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider. Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed. Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed. Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed. Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled. Gets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled. Sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled. Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel. Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel. Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider. Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider. Specifies the underline position of a TabControl. Sets the Style and Template property to null. Removing a TabItem in code behind can produce such nasty output System.Windows.Data Warning: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=Background; DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'Background' (type 'Brush') or System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=(0); DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'UnderlineBrush' (type 'Brush') This is a timing problem in WPF of the binding mechanism itself. To avoid this, we can set the Style and Template to null. Identifies the CloseButtonEnabled attached property. Gets whether a close button should be visible or not. Sets whether a close button should be visible or not. Identifies the CloseTabCommand attached property. Gets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed. Sets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed. Identifies the CloseTabCommandParameter attached property. Gets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand. Sets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand. Defines whether the underline below the is shown or not. Defines whether the underline below the or is shown or not. Defines the underline brush below the or . Defines the underline brush below the or of an selected item. Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over an item. Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over a selected item. This property can be used to set the Transition for animated TabControls A helper class that provides various attached properties for the TextBox control. Password watermarking code from: The clear text button behavior property. It sets a click event to the button if the value is true. This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown This property can be used to retrieve the watermark using the of bound property. Setting this property to true will uses reflection. Indicates if a TextBox or RichTextBox should use SpellCheck context menu Indicates if the watermark is automatically retrieved by using the of the bound property. This attached property uses reflection; thus it might reduce the performance of the application. The auto-watermak does work for the following controls: In the following case no custom watermark is shown There is no binding Binding path errors Binding to a element of a collection without using a property of that element Binding Path=Collection[0] use: Binding Path=Collection[0].SubProperty The bound property does not have a Gets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark. One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is . Sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark. Gets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area. One of the values that specifies the text trimming behavior to employ. The default is . Sets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area. Gets how the watermark should wrap text. One of the values. The default is . Sets how the watermark should wrap text. Gets if the attached TextBox has text. Gets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion. Sets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion. Gets the text button visibility. Sets the text button visibility. Gets the buttons placement variant. Sets the buttons placement variant. Gets the clear text button behavior. Sets the clear text button behavior. ButtonContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the ClearText button. This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that wraps TabItem/MetroTabItem headers on a single row. Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl class. A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that uses a TransitioningContentControl to animate the contents of a TabItem/MetroTabItem. Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedTabControl class. Originally from Creates AutomationPeer () The MetroHeaderAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation. A reimplementation of NavigationWindow based on MetroWindow. MetroNavigationWindow Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow. Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow. Gets the NavigationService that is used by this MetroNavigationWindow to provide navigation services to its content. Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in back navigation history. Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in forward navigation history. Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current context. Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to. Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a CustomContentState object. A CustomContentState object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content. Removes the most recent journal entry from back history. The most recent JournalEntry in back navigation history, if there is one. Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history. Navigates to the most recent item in forward navigation history. Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object. An Object that contains the content to navigate to. true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false. Navigates asynchronously to content that is specified by a uniform resource identifier (URI). A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content. true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false. Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object, and passes an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation. An Object that contains the content to navigate to. A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation. true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false. Navigates asynchronously to source content located at a uniform resource identifier (URI), and pass an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation. A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content. A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation. true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false. Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request. Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content. Occurs when a new navigation is requested. Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content. Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information. Occurs when the StopLoading method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progre Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the PageContent property, although it may not have completed loading Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering. InitializeComponent A metrofied ProgressBar. Gets/sets the diameter of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation. Gets/sets the offset of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation. A standard MetroTabControl (Pivot). Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroTabControl class. A base class for every MetroTabControl (Pivot). Get/sets the command that executes when a MetroTabItem's close button is clicked. An event that is raised when a TabItem is closed. Event args that is created when a TabItem is closed. Gets the MetroTabItem that will be closed. An extended TabItem with a metro style. Gets/sets whether the Close Button is visible. Gets/sets the command that is executed when the Close Button is clicked. Gets/sets the command parameter which is passed to the close button command. Gets/sets the Close Button Margin. The MetroThumbContentControl control can be used for titles or something else and enables basic drag movement functionality. Adds or remove a DragStartedEvent handler Adds or remove a DragDeltaEvent handler Adds or remove a DragCompletedEvent handler DependencyProperty for the IsDragging property. Indicates that the left mouse button is pressed and is over the MetroThumbContentControl. The MetroThumbContentControlAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation. An extended, metrofied Window class. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Identifies the dependency property. Allows easy handling of window commands brush. Theme is also applied based on this brush. Gets/sets whether the window's entrance transition animation is enabled. Gets/sets the FlyoutsControl that hosts the window's flyouts. Gets/sets the icon content template to show a custom icon. Gets/sets the title content template to show a custom title. Gets/sets the left window commands that hosts the user commands. Gets/sets the right window commands that hosts the user commands. Gets/sets the window button commands that hosts the min/max/close commands. Gets/sets whether the window will ignore (and overlap) the taskbar when maximized. Gets or sets resize border thickness Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ResizeBorderTickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc... Gets/sets the brush used for the titlebar's foreground. Gets/sets whether the window will save it's position between loads. Gets the window placement settings (can be overwritten). Get/sets whether the titlebar icon is visible or not. Get/sets whether dialogs show over the title bar. Gets whether one or more dialogs are shown. Gets/sets edge mode of the titlebar icon. Gets/sets bitmap scaling mode of the titlebar icon. Gets/sets icon scaling mode of the titlebar. Gets/sets whether the TitleBar is visible or not. Gets/sets whether the WindowStyle is None or not. Gets/sets if the minimize button is visible. Gets/sets if the Maximize/Restore button is visible. Gets/sets if the close button is visible. Gets/sets if the min button is enabled. Gets/sets if the max/restore button is enabled. Gets/sets if the close button is enabled. Gets or sets whether if the close button should be enabled or not if a dialog is shown. Gets/sets if the the system menu should popup on right click. Gets/sets the TitleBar's height. Gets/sets if the TitleBar's text is automatically capitalized. Character casing of the title Gets/sets the title horizontal alignment. Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's title bar. Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's glow. Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active glow. Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active border. Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active title bar. Gets/sets the brush used for the dialog overlay. Gets/sets the opacity used for the dialog overlay. Gets or sets the overlay fade in storyboard. Gets or sets the overlay fade out storyboard. Begins to show the MetroWindow's overlay effect. A task representing the process. Begins to hide the MetroWindow's overlay effect. A task representing the process. Stores the given element, or the last focused element via FocusManager, for restoring the focus after closing a dialog. The element which will be focused again. Clears the stored element which would get the focus after closing a dialog. Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow class. Initializes various behaviors for the window. For example , and . Gets the template child with the given name. The interface type inheirted from DependencyObject. The name of the template child. Gets the template child with the given name. The name of the template child. This class eats little children. Sets the IsHitTestVisibleInChromeProperty to a MetroWindow template child The MetroWindow. The name of the template child. Sets the WindowChrome ResizeGripDirection to a MetroWindow template child. The MetroWindow. The name of the template child. The direction. Adapts the WindowCommands to the theme of the first opened, topmost && (top || right || left) flyout The MetroWindow All the flyouts! Or flyouts that fall into the category described in the summary. An optional brush to reset the window commands brush to. Enum NumericInput which indicates what input is allowed for NumericUpdDown. Only numbers are allowed Numbers with decimal point and allowed scientific input All is allowed Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values. Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the maximum value Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the minimum value Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the NumericUpDown waits while the up/down button is pressed before it starts increasing/decreasing the for the specified . The value must be non-negative. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the arrow keys and to change values. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the mouse wheel to change values. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control must have the focus in order to change values using the mouse wheel. If the value is true then the value changes when the mouse wheel is over the control. If the value is false then the value changes only if the control has the focus. If is set to "false" then this property has no effect. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can enter text in the control. Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the +/- button of the control is visible. If the value is false then the of the control can be changed only if one of the following cases is satisfied: is true. is true. is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text can be changed by the use of the up or down buttons only. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value to be added to or subtracted from remains always or if it will increase faster after pressing the up/down button/arrow some time. Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box. Indicates if the NumericUpDown should show the decimal separator or not. Gets or sets which numeric input for the NumericUpDown is allowed. Indicates if the NumericUpDown should round the value to the nearest possible interval when the focus moves to another element. Called when this element or any below gets focus. When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call . Raises the routed event. Old value of the property New value of the property Based on Greg Schechter's Planerator An Enum representing different positions, such as Left or Right. Event arguments created for the RangeSlider's SelectionChanged event. The value of the new range's beginning. The value of the new range's ending. A slider control with the ability to select a range between two values. Identifies the  dependency property. Identifies the  dependency property. Identifies the  dependency property. Identifies the  dependency property. Identifies the  dependency property. Identifies the  dependency property. Get/sets value how fast thumbs will move when user press on left/right/central with left mouse button (IsMoveToPoint must be set to FALSE) Get/sets precision of the value, which displaying inside AutotToolTip Get/sets the converter for the tooltip text Get/sets tooltip, which will show while dragging thumbs and display currect value Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the of the . A value that defines how to position the tick marks in a with respect to the slider bar. The default is . Gets or sets the interval between tick marks. The distance between tick marks. The default is (1.0). Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a . A set of tick marks to display for a . The default is . Get or sets IsMoveToPoint feature which will enable/disable moving to exact point inside control when user clicked on it Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the two of a moves immediately to the location of the mouse click that occurs while the mouse pointer pauses on the tracks. Gets or sets the orientation of the . Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button Get/sets whether whole range will be moved when press on right/left/central part of control Get/sets the minimal distance between two thumbs. Get/sets the beginning of the range selection. Get/sets the end of the range selection. Get/sets the minimum range that can be selected. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the displays a selection range along the . if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default is . Gets or sets the smallest value of a specified selection for a . The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0). Gets or sets the largest value of a specified selection for a . The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0). Responds to a change in the value of the property. The old value of the property.The new value of the property. Responds to a change in the value of the property. The old value of the property.The new value of the property. RevealImage InitializeComponent Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution. Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command. Get or sets the Command property. Indicates whether the Popup is visible. Gets or sets an extra tag. Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking. Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part. Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part. Gets/sets the button style. Gets/sets the button arrow style. Gets/sets the popup listbox style. Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon. Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the split button. Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed. Updates the current selection when an item in the has changed The event data. A special animation used to animates the length of a . Represents a container with two views; one view for the main content and another view that is typically used for navigation commands. Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the property. Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode. The width of the pane in it's compact display mode. The default is 48 device-independent pixel (DIP) (defined by the SplitViewCompactPaneThemeLength resource). Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets or sets the contents of the main panel of a . The contents of the main panel of a . The default is null. Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets of sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are shown. A value of the enumeration that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are shown. The default is . Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is expanded to its full width. true if the pane is expanded to its full width; otherwise, false. The default is true. Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded. The width of the pane when it's fully expanded. The default is 320 device-independent pixel (DIP). Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets or sets the contents of the pane of a . The contents of the pane of a . The default is null. Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control. The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control. Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the area of the control. The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control. Identifies the PanePlacement dependency property. The identifier for the PanePlacement dependency property. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the . A value of the enumeration that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the . The default is . Identifies the dependency property. The identifier for the dependency property. Gets an object that provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplateBinding sources when defining templates for a control. An object that provides calculated values for templates. Initializes a new instance of the class. Occurs when the pane is closed. Occurs when the pane is closing. Constants that specify how the pane is shown in a . The pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout. The pane is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout. The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout. The remaining part of the pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout. The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout. The remaining part of the pane pushes the content to the side when it's open and takes up space in the control layout. Provides event data for the event. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pane closing action should be canceled. true to cancel the pane closing action; otherwise, false. Constants that specify whether the pane is set to the left or to the right of the content in a . The pane is shown to the left of the content. The pane is shown to the right of the content. Provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplatedParent sources when defining templates for a . Not intended for general use. Gets the value as a GridLength. Gets the negative of the value. Gets the negative of the value calculated by subtracting the value from the value. Gets the value as a GridLength. Gets the value. Gets a value calculated by subtracting the value from the value. An Enum representing different themes for window commands. HorizontalTitleAlignment Dependency Property. Default Value: HorizontalAlignment.Left Gets/Sets the horizontal alignment of the title. VerticalTitleAlignment Dependency Property. Default Value: VerticalAlignment.Bottom Gets/Sets the vertical alignment of the title. Represents a control that allows the user to select a date and a time. Occurs when the property is changed. Gets or sets the date to display The date to display. The default is . Gets or sets the last date to be displayed. The last date to display. Gets or sets the first date to be displayed. The first date to display. Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week. A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the that is determined by the current culture. Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected date. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current date will be highlighted. true if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, false. The default is true. Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which calendar and clock are stacked. The of the calendar and clock. The default is . Gets or sets the currently selected date. The date currently selected. The default is null. Defines the visibility for time-parts that are visible for the . Represents a control that allows the user to select a time. Represents a base-class for time picking. This readonly dependency property is to control whether to show the date-picker (in case of ) or hide it (in case of . Represents the time 00:00:00; 12:00:00 AM respectively Represents the time 23:59:59.9999999; 11:59:59.9999999 PM respectively This list contains values from 0 to 55 with an interval of 5. It can be used to bind to and . <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" /> <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" /> Returns a list containing {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55}. This list contains values from 0 to 50 with an interval of 10. It can be used to bind to and . <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" /> <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" /> Returns a list containing {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}. This list contains values from 0 to 45 with an interval of 15. It can be used to bind to and . <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" /> <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" /> Returns a list containing {0, 15, 30, 45}. Occurs when the property is changed. Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations. Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the clock hands in the user interface (UI). The visibility definition of the clock hands. The default is . Gets or sets a value indicating whether the date can be selected or not. This property is read-only. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the clock of this control is visible in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property. If this value is set to false then is set to true if the clock is visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop-down for a box is currently open. true if the drop-down is open; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the are not editable. true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the selectable date-time-parts in the user interface (UI). visibility definition of the selectable date-time-parts. The default is . Gets or sets the currently selected time. The time currently selected. The default is null. Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected time. Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the hours. A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the hours. The default is a list of interger from 0 to 23 if is false or a list of interger from 1 to 12 otherwise.. Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from 0 to 59. Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the seconds. A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from 0 to 59. Gets a value indicating whether the that is specified by the set by the ( if null) has not a value. When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call . Gets the offset from the selected to use it in as hour parameter. The current hour. An integer representing the offset to add to the hour that is selected in the hour-picker for setting the correct . The offset is determined as follows: ConditionOffset is false0 Selected hour is between 1 AM and 11 AM0 Selected hour is 12 AM-12h Selected hour is between 12 PM and 11 PM+12h A control that allows the user to toggle between two states: One represents true; The other represents false. Identifies the  dependency property. Gets/sets the font family of the header. Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's On state. Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's Off state. Gets/sets the brush used for the switch's foreground. Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground. Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground. Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator. Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator. Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator. Gets/sets the control's content flow direction. Gets or sets the padding of the inner content. Gets/sets the control's toggle switch button style. Gets/sets whether the control is Checked (On) or not (Off). Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the IsChecked property was changed. Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired. Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired. Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckChangedCommand. Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckedCommand. Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the UnCheckedCommand. An event that is raised when the value of IsChecked changes. A Button that allows the user to toggle between two states. Gets/sets the brush used for the control's foreground. Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground. Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground. Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator. Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator. Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator. enumeration for the different transition types Use the VisualState DefaultTransition Use the VisualState Normal Use the VisualState UpTransition Use the VisualState DownTransition Use the VisualState RightTransition Use the VisualState RightReplaceTransition Use the VisualState LeftTransition Use the VisualState LeftReplaceTransition Use a custom VisualState, the name must be set using CustomVisualStatesName property A ContentControl that animates content as it loads and unloads. Gets or sets the name of the custom transition visual state. Gets/sets if the content is transitioning. Reload the current transition if the content is the same. Helper methods for UI-related tasks. This class was obtained from Philip Sumi (a fellow WPF Disciples blog) Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree. The type of the queried item. A direct or indirect child of the queried item. The first parent item that matches the submitted type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null reference is being returned. Finds all Ancestors of a given item on the visual tree. A node in a visual tree All ancestors in visual tree of element Finds a Child of a given item in the visual tree. A direct parent of the queried item. The type of the queried item. x:Name or Name of child. The first parent item that matches the submitted type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null parent is being returned. This method is an alternative to WPF's method, which also supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content element, this method falls back to the logical tree of the element! The item to be processed. The submitted item's parent, if available. Otherwise null. Analyzes both visual and logical tree in order to find all elements of a given type that are descendants of the item. The type of the queried items. The root element that marks the source of the search. If the source is already of the requested type, it will not be included in the result. Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests) All descendants of that match the requested type. This method is an alternative to WPF's method, which also supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content elements, this method falls back to the logical tree of the element. The item to be processed. Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests) The submitted item's child elements, if available. Tries to locate a given item within the visual tree, starting with the dependency object at a given position. The type of the element to be found on the visual tree of the element at the given location. The main element which is used to perform hit testing. The position to be evaluated on the origin. Gets the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates. The handle for this method. Try to get the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates. The handle for this method. The relative mouse position to the given handle. Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the minimize button. Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the maximize button. Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the close button. Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the minimize button. Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the maximize button. Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the close button. Gets or sets the value indicating current theme. Gets or sets the minimize button tooltip. Gets or sets the maximize button tooltip. Gets or sets the close button tooltip. Gets or sets the restore button tooltip. Gets or sets the value indicating current theme. Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template. Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template. Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separators. Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the last separator. Gets or sets the value indicating separator height. Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separator. Doesn't overlay flyouts nor a hidden TitleBar. Overlays opened controls. Overlays a hidden TitleBar. Refreshes the application settings property values from persistent storage. Upgrades the application settings on loading. Updates application settings to reflect a more recent installation of the application. Stores the current values of the settings properties. this settings class is the default way to save the placement of the window Upgrades the application settings on loading. Determining Ideal Text Color Based on Specified Background Color The bg. The math operations which can be used at the MathConverter provides a value converter which can be used for math operations. It can be used for normal binding or multi binding as well. If it is used for normal binding the given parameter will be used as operands with the selected operation. If it is used for multi binding then the first and second binding will be used as operands with the selected operation. This class cannot be inherited. MathAddConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations. This class cannot be inherited. MathSubtractConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations. This class cannot be inherited. MathMultiplyConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations. This class cannot be inherited. MathDivideConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations. This class cannot be inherited. Converts a double representing either hour/minute/second to the corresponding angle. Converts the value from true to false and false to true. Converts a String into a Visibility enumeration (and back) The FalseEquivalent can be declared with the "FalseEquivalent" property Initialize the properties with standard values FalseEquivalent (default : Visibility.Collapsed => see Constructor) Define whether the opposite boolean value is crucial (default : false) Converts a Thickness to a new Thickness. It's possible to ignore a side With the IgnoreThicknessSide property. Use all sides. Ignore the left side. Ignore the top side. Ignore the right side. Ignore the bottom side. Converts a value. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. The value produced by the binding source. The type of the binding target property. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. Converts a value. A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used. The value that is produced by the binding target. The type to convert to. The converter parameter to use. The culture to use in the converter. An object that represents the foreground color for a . The ResourceDictionary that represents this Accent. Gets/sets the name of the Accent. Initializes a new instance of the Accent class. Initializes a new instance of the Accent class. The name of the new Accent. The URI of the accent ResourceDictionary. Represents the background theme of the application. The ResourceDictionary that represents this application theme. Gets the name of the application theme. Initializes a new instance of the AppTheme class. The name of the new AppTheme. The URI of the accent ResourceDictionary. A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme and accent. Gets a list of all of default accents. Gets a list of all default themes. Adds an accent with the given name. true if the accent does not exists and can be added. Adds an app theme with the given name. true if the app theme does not exists and can be added. Gets app theme with the given resource dictionary. from which the theme should be retrieved. AppTheme Gets app theme with the given name and theme type (light or dark). AppTheme Gets the inverse of the given . This method relies on the "Dark" or "Light" affix to be present. The app theme. The inverse or null if it couldn't be found. Returns BaseLight, if BaseDark is given or vice versa. Custom Themes must end with "Dark" or "Light" for this to work, for example "CustomDark" and "CustomLight". Gets the with the given name. The or null, if the app theme wasn't found Gets the with the given resource dictionary. from which the accent should be retrieved. The or null, if the accent wasn't found. Determines whether the specified resource dictionary represents an . This might include runtime accents which do not have a resource uri. The resources. true if the resource dictionary is an ; otherwise, false. resources Gets a resource from the detected AppStyle. The window to check. If this is null, the Application's sources will be checked. The key to check against. The resource object or null, if the resource wasn't found. Change the theme for the whole application. Change theme for the given window. Change accent and theme for the whole application. The instance of Application to change. The accent to apply. The theme to apply. Change accent and theme for the given window. The Window to change. The accent to apply. The theme to apply. Changes the accent and theme of a ResourceDictionary directly. The ResourceDictionary to modify. The accent to apply to the ResourceDictionary. The theme to apply to the ResourceDictionary. Copies all resource keys from one resource to another. The source resource dictionary. The destination resource dictionary. fromRD or toRD Scans the window resources and returns it's accent and theme. Scans the window resources and returns it's accent and theme. The Window to scan. Scans the application resources and returns it's accent and theme. The Application instance to scan. Scans a resources and returns it's accent and theme. The ResourceDictionary to check. This event fires if accent color and theme was changed this should be using the weak event pattern, but for now it's enough Invalidates global colors and resources. Sometimes the ContextMenu is not changing the colors, so this will fix it. Class which is used as argument for an event to signal theme changes. Creates a new instance of this class. The new theme. The new accent GeneratedInternalTypeHelper CreateInstance GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue CreateDelegate AddEventHandler