
More wget cleanup.

Fix path, null terminate THIS line instead of chomp() whole header
(no guarantee the line we're looking for is last, although if it isn't
inserting the null terminator would truncate later searches),
don't assume server sent back a valid header with a " " in first line
(it SHOULD, but might not), don't interpret "-" filename from remote
end as stdout.
Rob Landley 2 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 18 次插入10 次删除
  1. 18 10

+ 18 - 10

@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ static void wget_info(char *url, char **host, char **port, char **path)
   if (!url) error_exit("unsupported protocol: %s", ss);
-  if ((*path = strchr(*host = url, '/'))) *(*path++) = 0;
+  if ((*path = strchr(*host = url, '/'))) *((*path)++) = 0;
   else *path = "";
   // Get port number and trim literal IPv6 addresses
@@ -227,21 +227,27 @@ static void wget_close()
 static char *wget_find_header(char *header, char *val)
-  char *result = strcasestr(chomp(header), val);
+  char *result = strcasestr(header, val);
-  return result ? result + strlen(val) : 0;
+  if (result) {
+    result += strlen(val);
+    result[strcspn(result, "\r\n")] = 0;
+  }
+  return result;
 void wget_main(void)
   long status = 0;
   size_t len, c_len = 0;
-  int fd;
+  int fd = 0;
   char *body, *index, *host, *port, *path, *chunked, *ss;
   char agent[] = "toybox wget/" TOYBOX_VERSION;
-  TT.url = xstrdup(toys.optargs[0]);
+  TT.url = xstrdup(*toys.optargs);
+  // Ask server for URL, following redirects until success
   while (status != 200) {
     if (!TT.max_redirect--) error_exit("Too many redirects");
@@ -256,20 +262,20 @@ void wget_main(void)
     wget_write(ss, strlen(ss));
-    // Read HTTP response until either complete or toybuf is full
+    // Read HTTP response into toybuf (probably with some body at end)
     for (index = toybuf;
       (len = wget_read(index, sizeof(toybuf)-(index-toybuf)))>0; index += len);
     // Split response into header and body, and null terminate header.
     // (RFC7230 says header cannot contain NUL.)
-    if (!(body = memmem(toybuf, index-toybuf, "\r\n\r\n", 4)))
+    if (!(body = memmem(ss = toybuf, index-toybuf, "\r\n\r\n", 4)))
       error_exit("response header too large");
     *body = 0;
     body += 4;
     len = index-body;
     if (FLAG(d)) printf("--- Response\n%s\n\n", toybuf);
-    status = strtol(strafter(toybuf, " "), NULL, 10);
+    status = strstart(&ss, "HTTP/1.1 ") ? strtol(ss, 0, 10) : 0;
     if ((status == 301) || (status == 302)) {
       if (!(ss = wget_find_header(toybuf, "Location: ")))
         error_exit("bad redirect");
@@ -279,14 +285,16 @@ void wget_main(void)
     } else if (status != 200) error_exit("response: %ld", status);
-  if (!FLAG(O)) {
+  // Open output file
+  if (TT.O && !strcmp(TT.O, "-")) fd = 1;
+  else if (!TT.O) {
     ss = wget_find_header(toybuf, "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=");
     if (!ss && strchr(path, '/')) ss = getbasename(path);
     if (!ss || !*ss ) ss = "index.html";
     if (!access((TT.O = ss), F_OK)) error_exit("%s already exists", TT.O);
   // TODO: don't allow header/basename to write to stdout
-  fd = !strcmp(TT.O, "-") ? 1 : xcreate(TT.O, (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC), 0644);
+  if (!fd) fd = xcreate(TT.O, (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC), 0644);
   // If chunked we offset the first buffer by 2 character, meaning it is
   // pointing at half of the header boundary, aka '\r\n'. This simplifies