#!/bin/bash # Grab default values for $CFLAGS and such. set -o pipefail source scripts/portability.sh # Default to running one more parallel cc instance than we have processors : ${CPUS:=$(($(nproc 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null)+1))} # Respond to V= by echoing command lines as well as running them DOTPROG= do_loudly() { [ ! -z "$V" ] && echo "$@" || echo -n "$DOTPROG" "$@" } # Is anything under directory $2 newer than file $1 isnewer() { CHECK="$1" shift [ ! -z "$(find "$@" -newer "$CHECK" 2>/dev/null || echo yes)" ] } echo "Generate headers from toys/*/*.c..." mkdir -p "${UNSTRIPPED:=$GENDIR/unstripped}" if isnewer "$GENDIR"/Config.in toys || isnewer "$GENDIR"/Config.in Config.in then echo "Extract configuration information from toys/*.c files..." scripts/genconfig.sh fi # Create a list of all the commands toybox can provide. Note that the first # entry is out of order on purpose (the toybox multiplexer command must be the # first element of the array). The rest must be sorted in alphabetical order # for fast binary search. if isnewer "$GENDIR"/newtoys.h toys then echo -n "$GENDIR/newtoys.h " echo "USE_TOYBOX(NEWTOY(toybox, NULL, TOYFLAG_STAYROOT|TOYFLAG_NOHELP))" \ > "$GENDIR"/newtoys.h $SED -n -e 's/^USE_[A-Z0-9_]*(/&/p' toys/*/*.c \ | $SED 's/\(.*TOY(\)\([^,]*\),\(.*\)/\2 \1\2,\3/' | sort -s -k 1,1 \ | $SED 's/[^ ]* //' >> "$GENDIR"/newtoys.h [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1 fi [ ! -z "$V" ] && echo "Which C files to build..." # Extract a list of toys/*/*.c files to compile from the data in $KCONFIG_CONFIG # (First command names, then filenames with relevant {NEW,OLD}TOY() macro.) [ -d ".git" ] && [ ! -z "$(which git 2>/dev/null)" ] && GITHASH="-DTOYBOX_VERSION=\"$(git describe --tags --abbrev=12 2>/dev/null)\"" TOYFILES="$($SED -n 's/^CONFIG_\([^=]*\)=.*/\1/p' "$KCONFIG_CONFIG" | xargs | tr ' [A-Z]' '|[a-z]')" TOYFILES="main.c $(egrep -l "TOY[(]($TOYFILES)[ ,]" toys/*/*.c | xargs)" BUILD="$(echo ${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} $CFLAGS -I . $OPTIMIZE $GITHASH)" if [ "${TOYFILES/pending//}" != "$TOYFILES" ] then echo -e "\n\033[1;31mwarning: using unfinished code from toys/pending\033[0m" fi genbuildsh() { # Write a canned build line for use on crippled build machines. LLINK="$(echo $LDOPTIMIZE $LDFLAGS $(cat "$GENDIR"/optlibs.dat))" echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n\nPATH='$PATH'\nBUILD='$BUILD'\nLINK='$LLINK'\n" echo -e "\$BUILD lib/*.c $TOYFILES \$LINK -o $OUTNAME" } if ! cmp -s <(genbuildsh 2>/dev/null | head -n 5) \ <(head -n 5 "$GENDIR"/build.sh 2>/dev/null | $SED '5s/ -o .*//') then echo -n "Library probe" # --as-needed removes libraries we don't use any symbols out of, but the # compiler has no way to ignore a library that doesn't exist, so detect # and skip nonexistent libraries for it. > "$GENDIR"/optlibs.dat for i in util crypt m resolv selinux smack attr crypto z log iconv tls ssl do echo "int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {return 0;}" | \ ${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -xc - -o "$GENDIR"/libprobe -l$i > /dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo -l$i >> "$GENDIR"/optlibs.dat echo -n . done rm -f "$GENDIR"/libprobe echo fi genbuildsh > "$GENDIR"/build.sh && chmod +x "$GENDIR"/build.sh || exit 1 #TODO: "make $SED && make" doesn't regenerate config.h because diff .config if true #isnewer "$GENDIR"/config.h "$KCONFIG_CONFIG" then echo "Make $GENDIR/config.h from $KCONFIG_CONFIG." # This long and roundabout sed invocation is to make old versions of sed # happy. New ones have '\n' so can replace one line with two without all # the branches and tedious mucking about with hyperspace. # TODO: clean this up to use modern stuff. $SED -n \ -e 's/^# CONFIG_\(.*\) is not set.*/\1/' \ -e 't notset' \ -e 's/^CONFIG_\(.*\)=y.*/\1/' \ -e 't isset' \ -e 's/^CONFIG_\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/#define CFG_\1 \2/p' \ -e 'd' \ -e ':notset' \ -e 'h' \ -e 's/.*/#define CFG_& 0/p' \ -e 'g' \ -e 's/.*/#define USE_&(...)/p' \ -e 'd' \ -e ':isset' \ -e 'h' \ -e 's/.*/#define CFG_& 1/p' \ -e 'g' \ -e 's/.*/#define USE_&(...) __VA_ARGS__/p' \ $KCONFIG_CONFIG > "$GENDIR"/config.h || exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$GENDIR"/mkflags ] || [ "$GENDIR"/mkflags -ot scripts/mkflags.c ] then do_loudly $HOSTCC scripts/mkflags.c -o "$UNSTRIPPED"/mkflags || exit 1 fi # Process config.h and newtoys.h to generate FLAG_x macros. Note we must # always #define the relevant macro, even when it's disabled, because we # allow multiple NEWTOY() in the same C file. (When disabled the FLAG is 0, # so flags&0 becomes a constant 0 allowing dead code elimination.) if isnewer "$GENDIR"/flags.h toys "$KCONFIG_CONFIG" then echo -n "$GENDIR/flags.h " # Parse files through C preprocessor twice, once to get flags for current # .config and once to get flags for allyesconfig for I in A B do ( # define macros and select header files with option string data echo "#define NEWTOY(aa,bb,cc) aa $I bb" echo '#define OLDTOY(...)' if [ "$I" == A ] then cat "$GENDIR"/config.h else $SED '/USE_.*([^)]*)$/s/$/ __VA_ARGS__/' "$GENDIR"/config.h fi echo '#include "lib/toyflags.h"' cat "$GENDIR"/newtoys.h # Run result through preprocessor, glue together " " gaps leftover from USE # macros, delete comment lines, print any line with a quoted optstring, # turn any non-quoted opstring (NULL or 0) into " " (because fscanf can't # handle "" with nothing in it, and mkflags uses that). ) | ${CROSS_COMPILE}${CC} -E - | \ $SED -n -e 's/" *"//g;/^#/d;t clear;:clear;s/"/"/p;t;s/\( [AB] \).*/\1 " "/p' # Sort resulting line pairs and glue them together into triplets of # command "flags" "allflags" # to feed into mkflags C program that outputs actual flag macros # If no pair (because command's disabled in config), use " " for flags # so allflags can define the appropriate zero macros. done | sort -s | $SED -n -e 's/ A / /;t pair;h;s/\([^ ]*\).*/\1 " "/;x' \ -e 'b single;:pair;h;n;:single;s/[^ ]* B //;H;g;s/\n/ /;p' | \ tee "$GENDIR"/flags.raw | "$UNSTRIPPED"/mkflags > "$GENDIR"/flags.h || exit 1 fi # Extract global structure definitions and flag definitions from toys/*/*.c function getglobals() { for i in toys/*/*.c do # alas basename -s isn't in posix yet. NAME="$(echo $i | $SED 's@.*/\(.*\)\.c@\1@')" DATA="$($SED -n -e '/^GLOBALS(/,/^)/b got;b;:got' \ -e 's/^GLOBALS(/_data {/' \ -e 's/^)/};/' -e 'p' $i)" [ ! -z "$DATA" ] && echo -e "// $i\n\nstruct $NAME$DATA\n" done } if isnewer "$GENDIR"/globals.h toys then echo -n "$GENDIR/globals.h " GLOBSTRUCT="$(getglobals)" ( echo "$GLOBSTRUCT" echo echo "extern union global_union {" echo "$GLOBSTRUCT" | \ $SED -n 's/struct \(.*\)_data {/ struct \1_data \1;/p' echo "} this;" ) > "$GENDIR"/globals.h fi if [ ! -f "$UNSTRIPPED"/mktags ] || [ "$UNSTRIPPED"/mktags -ot scripts/mktags.c ] then do_loudly $HOSTCC scripts/mktags.c -o "$UNSTRIPPED"/mktags || exit 1 fi if isnewer "$GENDIR"/tags.h toys then echo -n "$GENDIR/tags.h " $SED -n '/TAGGED_ARRAY(/,/^)/{s/.*TAGGED_ARRAY[(]\([^,]*\),/\1/;p}' \ toys/*/*.c lib/*.c | "$UNSTRIPPED"/mktags > "$GENDIR"/tags.h fi if [ ! -f "$UNSTRIPPED"/config2help ] || [ "$UNSTRIPPED"/config2help -ot scripts/config2help.c ] then do_loudly $HOSTCC scripts/config2help.c -o "$UNSTRIPPED"/config2help || exit 1 fi if isnewer "$GENDIR"/help.h "$GENDIR"/Config.in then echo "$GENDIR/help.h" "$UNSTRIPPED"/config2help Config.in $KCONFIG_CONFIG > "$GENDIR"/help.h || exit 1 fi [ ! -z "$NOBUILD" ] && exit 0 echo -n "Compile $OUTNAME" [ ! -z "$V" ] && echo DOTPROG=. # This is a parallel version of: do_loudly $BUILD $FILES $LLINK || exit 1 # Any headers newer than the oldest generated/obj file? X="$(ls -1t "$GENDIR"/obj/* 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1)" # TODO: redo this if [ ! -e "$X" ] || [ ! -z "$(find toys -name "*.h" -newer "$X")" ] then rm -rf "$GENDIR"/obj && mkdir -p "$GENDIR"/obj || exit 1 else rm -f "$GENDIR"/obj/main.o || exit 1 fi # build each generated/obj/*.o file in parallel unset PENDING LNKFILES CLICK DONE=0 COUNT=0 for i in lib/*.c click $TOYFILES do [ "$i" == click ] && CLICK=1 && continue X=${i/lib\//lib_} X=${X##*/} OUT="$GENDIR/obj/${X%%.c}.o" LNKFILES="$LNKFILES $OUT" # Library files don't need to be rebuilt if older than .config. # ($TOYFILES contents can depend on CONFIG symbols, lib/*.c never should.) [ "$OUT" -nt "$i" ] && [ -z "$CLICK" -o "$OUT" -nt "$KCONFIG_CONFIG" ] && continue do_loudly $BUILD -c $i -o $OUT & # ratelimit to $CPUS many parallel jobs, detecting errors [ $((++COUNT)) -ge $CPUS ] && { wait $DASHN; DONE=$?; : $((--COUNT)); } [ $DONE -ne 0 ] && break done # wait for all background jobs, detecting errors while [ $((COUNT--)) -gt 0 ] do wait $DASHN; DONE=$((DONE+$?)) done [ $DONE -ne 0 ] && exit 1 UNSTRIPPED="$UNSTRIPPED/${OUTNAME/*\//}" do_loudly $BUILD $LNKFILES $LLINK -o "$UNSTRIPPED" || exit 1 if [ ! -z "$NOSTRIP" ] || ! do_loudly ${CROSS_COMPILE}${STRIP} "$UNSTRIPPED" -o "$OUTNAME" then [ -z "$NOSTRIP" ] && echo "strip failed, using unstripped" rm -f "$OUTNAME" && cp "$UNSTRIPPED" "$OUTNAME" || exit 1 fi # gcc 4.4's strip command is buggy, and doesn't set the executable bit on # its output the way SUSv4 suggests it do so. While we're at it, make sure # we don't have the "w" bit set so things like bzip2's "cp -f" install don't # overwrite our binary through the symlink. do_loudly chmod 555 "$OUTNAME" || exit 1 echo