zry 4 vuotta sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 83 lisäystä ja 83 poistoa
  1. 83 83

+ 83 - 83

@@ -79,95 +79,95 @@ Examples:
 #### Display Tag List
-Tag                   | Function Description                            | Output Example
-:-:                   | :-:                                             | :-:
-<year>                | long year                                       | 2019
-<shortYear>           | short year                                      | 96
-<month>               | month with zero fill                            | 02
-<monthNoFill>         | month without zero fill                         | 2
-<monthAbbr>           | month in English abbr.                          | Jan
-<monthName>           | month in English with zero fill                 | January
-<monthNameNoFill>     | month in English without zero fill              | January
-<day>                 | day with zero fill                              | 05
-<dayNoFill>           | day without zero fill                           | 5
-<hour24>              | 24h hour with zero fill                         | 13
-<hour12>              | 12h hour with zero fill                         | 01
-<hour24NoFill>        | 24h hour without zero fill                      | 13
-<hour12NoFill>        | 12h hour without zero fill                      | 1
-<minute>              | minute with zero fill                           | 01
-<second>              | second with zero fill                           | 05
-<weekday>             | weekday in numberic                             | 1
-<weekdayName>         | weekday in English with zero fill               | Monday
-<weekdayNameNoFill>   | weekday in English without zero fill            | Monday
-<weekdayAbbr>         | weekday in English abbr.                        | Mon
-<ampm>                | AM/PM                                           | AM
-<ms>                  | millisecond                                     | 026
-<us>                  | microsecond                                     | 114514
-<ns>                  | nanosecond                                      | 019810019
-<yearweek>            | the week in this year with zero fill            | 06
-<yearweekNoFill>      | the week in this year without zero fill         | 6
-<yearday>             | the day in this year with zero fill             | 034
-<yeardayNoFill>       | the day in this year without zero fill          | 34
-<timezone>            | timezone UTC offset                             | +0800
-<timezoneAbbr>        | timezone abbr.                                  | CST
-<timezoneSec>         | timezone offset in seconds with zero fill       | 03600
-<timezoneSecNoFill>   | timezone offset in seconds without zero fill    | 3600
-<iso8601date>         | ISO8601 date                                    | 2019-01-01
-<iso8601time>         | ISO8601 time                                    | 19:28:31
-<iso8601full>         | ISO8601 full format                             | 2019-01-01T19:28:31+0800
-<common>              | common format                                   | 2019-01-01 19:28:31
-<nginx>               | nginx default time format                       | 01/Jan/2019:19:28:31 +0800
-<!>                   | exclamation mark                                | !
-<lt>                  | less-than mark                                  | <
-<gt>                  | great-than mark                                 | >
-<q>                   | quote mark                                      | "
-<sq>                  | single quote mark                               | '
-<sp>                  | space                                           |
-<tab>                 | tab                                             |
-<br>                  | linebreak (valid in multi-line mode only)       |                               |
+|Tag                   | Function Description                            | Output Example
+|:-:                   | :-:                                             | :-:
+|<year>                | long year                                       | 2019
+|<shortYear>           | short year                                      | 96
+|<month>               | month with zero fill                            | 02
+|<monthNoFill>         | month without zero fill                         | 2
+|<monthAbbr>           | month in English abbr.                          | Jan
+|<monthName>           | month in English with zero fill                 | January
+|<monthNameNoFill>     | month in English without zero fill              | January
+|<day>                 | day with zero fill                              | 05
+|<dayNoFill>           | day without zero fill                           | 5
+|<hour24>              | 24h hour with zero fill                         | 13
+|<hour12>              | 12h hour with zero fill                         | 01
+|<hour24NoFill>        | 24h hour without zero fill                      | 13
+|<hour12NoFill>        | 12h hour without zero fill                      | 1
+|<minute>              | minute with zero fill                           | 01
+|<second>              | second with zero fill                           | 05
+|<weekday>             | weekday in numberic                             | 1
+|<weekdayName>         | weekday in English with zero fill               | Monday
+|<weekdayNameNoFill>   | weekday in English without zero fill            | Monday
+|<weekdayAbbr>         | weekday in English abbr.                        | Mon
+|<ampm>                | AM/PM                                           | AM
+|<ms>                  | millisecond                                     | 026
+|<us>                  | microsecond                                     | 114514
+|<ns>                  | nanosecond                                      | 019810019
+|<yearweek>            | the week in this year with zero fill            | 06
+|<yearweekNoFill>      | the week in this year without zero fill         | 6
+|<yearday>             | the day in this year with zero fill             | 034
+|<yeardayNoFill>       | the day in this year without zero fill          | 34
+|<timezone>            | timezone UTC offset                             | +0800
+|<timezoneAbbr>        | timezone abbr.                                  | CST
+|<timezoneSec>         | timezone offset in seconds with zero fill       | 03600
+|<timezoneSecNoFill>   | timezone offset in seconds without zero fill    | 3600
+|<iso8601date>         | ISO8601 date                                    | 2019-01-01
+|<iso8601time>         | ISO8601 time                                    | 19:28:31
+|<iso8601full>         | ISO8601 full format                             | 2019-01-01T19:28:31+0800
+|<common>              | common format                                   | 2019-01-01 19:28:31
+|<nginx>               | nginx default time format                       | 01/Jan/2019:19:28:31 +0800
+|<!>                   | exclamation mark                                | !
+|<lt>                  | less-than mark                                  | <
+|<gt>                  | great-than mark                                 | >
+|<q>                   | quote mark                                      | "
+|<sq>                  | single quote mark                               | '
+|<sp>                  | space                                           |
+|<tab>                 | tab                                             |
+|<br>                  | linebreak (valid in multi-line mode only)       |                               |
 #### Alias
-Alias               | For Tag
-:-:                 | :-:
-<y>                 | <year>
-<sy>                | <shortYear>
-<mon>               | <month>
-<monNF>             | <monthNoFill>
-<monA>              | <monthAbbr>
-<monN>              | <monthName>
-<monNNF>            | <monthNameNoFill>
-<d>                 | <day>
-<dNF>               | <dayNoFill>
-<h24>               | <hour24>
-<h12>               | <hour12>
-<h24NF>             | <hour24NoFill>
-<h12NF>             | <hour12NoFill>
-<min>               | <minute>
-<s>                 | <second>
-<wd>                | <weekday>
-<wdN>               | <weekdayName>
-<wdNNF>             | <weekdayNameNoFill>
-<wdA>               | <weekdayAbbr>
-<yw>                | <yearweek>
-<ywNF>              | <yearweekNoFill>
-<yd>                | <yearday>
-<ydNF>              | <yeardayNoFill>
-<tz>                | <timezone>
-<tzA>               | <timezoneAbbr>
-<tzS>               | <timezoneSec>
-<tzSNF>             | <timezoneSecNoFill>
-<i8d>               | <iso8601date>
-<i8t>               | <iso8601time>
-<i8f>               | <iso8601full>             |
+|Alias               | For Tag
+|:-:                 | :-:
+|<y>                 | <year>
+|<sy>                | <shortYear>
+|<mon>               | <month>
+|<monNF>             | <monthNoFill>
+|<monA>              | <monthAbbr>
+|<monN>              | <monthName>
+|<monNNF>            | <monthNameNoFill>
+|<d>                 | <day>
+|<dNF>               | <dayNoFill>
+|<h24>               | <hour24>
+|<h12>               | <hour12>
+|<h24NF>             | <hour24NoFill>
+|<h12NF>             | <hour12NoFill>
+|<min>               | <minute>
+|<s>                 | <second>
+|<wd>                | <weekday>
+|<wdN>               | <weekdayName>
+|<wdNNF>             | <weekdayNameNoFill>
+|<wdA>               | <weekdayAbbr>
+|<yw>                | <yearweek>
+|<ywNF>              | <yearweekNoFill>
+|<yd>                | <yearday>
+|<ydNF>              | <yeardayNoFill>
+|<tz>                | <timezone>
+|<tzA>               | <timezoneAbbr>
+|<tzS>               | <timezoneSec>
+|<tzSNF>             | <timezoneSecNoFill>
+|<i8d>               | <iso8601date>
+|<i8t>               | <iso8601time>
+|<i8f>               | <iso8601full>             |
 ### Non-display Tag List
-Tag                   | Function Description
-:-:                   | :-:
-<UTC>                 | use UTC timezone for output
-<Local>               | use local timezone for output
-<Timezone:>           | *use specified timezone for output          |
+|Tag                   | Function Description
+|:-:                   | :-:
+|<UTC>                 | use UTC timezone for output
+|<Local>               | use local timezone for output
+|<Timezone:>           | *use specified timezone for output          |
  * Instuction For `<Timezone:>` Tag: