//! Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus // This document describes a correct i2c implementation and is what // parts of this code is based on // https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/application_note/5d/ae/a3/6f/08/69/4e/9b/CD00209826.pdf/files/CD00209826.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.CD00209826.pdf use crate::afio::MAPR; use crate::gpio::gpiob::{PB10, PB11, PB6, PB7, PB8, PB9}; use crate::gpio::{Alternate, OpenDrain}; use crate::hal::blocking::i2c::{Read, Write, WriteRead}; use crate::pac::{DWT, I2C1, I2C2}; use crate::rcc::{sealed::RccBus, Clocks, Enable, GetBusFreq, Reset}; use crate::time::Hertz; use nb::Error::{Other, WouldBlock}; use nb::{Error as NbError, Result as NbResult}; /// I2C error #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum Error { /// Bus error Bus, /// Arbitration loss Arbitration, /// No ack received Acknowledge, /// Overrun/underrun Overrun, // Pec, // SMBUS mode only // Timeout, // SMBUS mode only // Alert, // SMBUS mode only #[doc(hidden)] _Extensible, } #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum DutyCycle { Ratio2to1, Ratio16to9, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Mode { Standard { frequency: Hertz, }, Fast { frequency: Hertz, duty_cycle: DutyCycle, }, } impl Mode { pub fn standard>(frequency: F) -> Self { Mode::Standard { frequency: frequency.into(), } } pub fn fast>(frequency: F, duty_cycle: DutyCycle) -> Self { Mode::Fast { frequency: frequency.into(), duty_cycle, } } pub fn get_frequency(&self) -> Hertz { match *self { Mode::Standard { frequency } => frequency, Mode::Fast { frequency, .. } => frequency, } } } /// Helper trait to ensure that the correct I2C pins are used for the corresponding interface pub trait Pins { const REMAP: bool; } impl Pins for (PB6>, PB7>) { const REMAP: bool = false; } impl Pins for (PB8>, PB9>) { const REMAP: bool = true; } impl Pins for (PB10>, PB11>) { const REMAP: bool = false; } /// I2C peripheral operating in master mode pub struct I2c { i2c: I2C, pins: PINS, mode: Mode, pclk1: u32, } /// embedded-hal compatible blocking I2C implementation pub struct BlockingI2c { nb: I2c, start_timeout: u32, start_retries: u8, addr_timeout: u32, data_timeout: u32, } impl I2c { /// Creates a generic I2C1 object on pins PB6 and PB7 or PB8 and PB9 (if remapped) pub fn i2c1( i2c: I2C1, pins: PINS, mapr: &mut MAPR, mode: Mode, clocks: Clocks, apb: &mut ::Bus, ) -> Self where PINS: Pins, { mapr.modify_mapr(|_, w| w.i2c1_remap().bit(PINS::REMAP)); I2c::_i2c1(i2c, pins, mode, clocks, apb) } } impl BlockingI2c { /// Creates a blocking I2C1 object on pins PB6 and PB7 or PB8 and PB9 using the embedded-hal `BlockingI2c` trait. pub fn i2c1( i2c: I2C1, pins: PINS, mapr: &mut MAPR, mode: Mode, clocks: Clocks, apb: &mut ::Bus, start_timeout_us: u32, start_retries: u8, addr_timeout_us: u32, data_timeout_us: u32, ) -> Self where PINS: Pins, { mapr.modify_mapr(|_, w| w.i2c1_remap().bit(PINS::REMAP)); BlockingI2c::_i2c1( i2c, pins, mode, clocks, apb, start_timeout_us, start_retries, addr_timeout_us, data_timeout_us, ) } } impl I2c { /// Creates a generic I2C2 object on pins PB10 and PB11 using the embedded-hal `BlockingI2c` trait. pub fn i2c2( i2c: I2C2, pins: PINS, mode: Mode, clocks: Clocks, apb: &mut ::Bus, ) -> Self where PINS: Pins, { I2c::_i2c2(i2c, pins, mode, clocks, apb) } } impl BlockingI2c { /// Creates a blocking I2C2 object on pins PB10 and PB1 pub fn i2c2( i2c: I2C2, pins: PINS, mode: Mode, clocks: Clocks, apb: &mut ::Bus, start_timeout_us: u32, start_retries: u8, addr_timeout_us: u32, data_timeout_us: u32, ) -> Self where PINS: Pins, { BlockingI2c::_i2c2( i2c, pins, mode, clocks, apb, start_timeout_us, start_retries, addr_timeout_us, data_timeout_us, ) } } /// Generates a blocking I2C instance from a universal I2C object fn blocking_i2c( i2c: I2c, clocks: Clocks, start_timeout_us: u32, start_retries: u8, addr_timeout_us: u32, data_timeout_us: u32, ) -> BlockingI2c { let sysclk_mhz = clocks.sysclk().0 / 1_000_000; BlockingI2c { nb: i2c, start_timeout: start_timeout_us * sysclk_mhz, start_retries, addr_timeout: addr_timeout_us * sysclk_mhz, data_timeout: data_timeout_us * sysclk_mhz, } } macro_rules! wait_for_flag { ($i2c:expr, $flag:ident) => {{ let sr1 = $i2c.sr1.read(); if sr1.berr().bit_is_set() { Err(Other(Error::Bus)) } else if sr1.arlo().bit_is_set() { Err(Other(Error::Arbitration)) } else if sr1.af().bit_is_set() { Err(Other(Error::Acknowledge)) } else if sr1.ovr().bit_is_set() { Err(Other(Error::Overrun)) } else if sr1.$flag().bit_is_set() { Ok(()) } else { Err(WouldBlock) } }}; } macro_rules! busy_wait { ($nb_expr:expr, $exit_cond:expr) => {{ loop { let res = $nb_expr; if res != Err(WouldBlock) { break res; } if $exit_cond { break res; } } }}; } macro_rules! busy_wait_cycles { ($nb_expr:expr, $cycles:expr) => {{ let started = DWT::get_cycle_count(); let cycles = $cycles; busy_wait!( $nb_expr, DWT::get_cycle_count().wrapping_sub(started) >= cycles ) }}; } // Generate the same code for both I2Cs macro_rules! hal { ($($I2CX:ident: ($i2cX:ident),)+) => { $( impl I2c<$I2CX, PINS> { /// Configures the I2C peripheral to work in master mode fn $i2cX( i2c: $I2CX, pins: PINS, mode: Mode, clocks: Clocks, apb: &mut <$I2CX as RccBus>::Bus, ) -> Self { $I2CX::enable(apb); $I2CX::reset(apb); let pclk1 = <$I2CX as RccBus>::Bus::get_frequency(&clocks).0; assert!(mode.get_frequency().0 <= 400_000); let mut i2c = I2c { i2c, pins, mode, pclk1 }; i2c.init(); i2c } /// Initializes I2C. Configures the `I2C_TRISE`, `I2C_CRX`, and `I2C_CCR` registers /// according to the system frequency and I2C mode. fn init(&mut self) { let freq = self.mode.get_frequency(); let pclk1_mhz = (self.pclk1 / 1000000) as u16; self.i2c.cr2.write(|w| unsafe { w.freq().bits(pclk1_mhz as u8) }); self.i2c.cr1.write(|w| w.pe().clear_bit()); match self.mode { Mode::Standard { .. } => { self.i2c.trise.write(|w| { w.trise().bits((pclk1_mhz + 1) as u8) }); self.i2c.ccr.write(|w| unsafe { w.ccr().bits(((self.pclk1 / (freq.0 * 2)) as u16).max(4)) }); }, Mode::Fast { ref duty_cycle, .. } => { self.i2c.trise.write(|w| { w.trise().bits((pclk1_mhz * 300 / 1000 + 1) as u8) }); self.i2c.ccr.write(|w| { let (freq, duty) = match duty_cycle { DutyCycle::Ratio2to1 => (((self.pclk1 / (freq.0* 3)) as u16).max(1), false), DutyCycle::Ratio16to9 => (((self.pclk1 / (freq.0 * 25)) as u16).max(1), true) }; unsafe { w.ccr().bits(freq).duty().bit(duty).f_s().set_bit() } }); } }; self.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.pe().set_bit()); } /// Perform an I2C software reset fn reset(&mut self) { self.i2c.cr1.write(|w| w.pe().set_bit().swrst().set_bit()); self.i2c.cr1.reset(); self.init(); } /// Generate START condition fn send_start(&mut self) { self.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.start().set_bit()); } /// Check if START condition is generated. If the condition is not generated, this /// method returns `WouldBlock` so the program can act accordingly /// (busy wait, async, ...) fn wait_after_sent_start(&mut self) -> NbResult<(), Error> { wait_for_flag!(self.i2c, sb) } /// Check if STOP condition is generated. If the condition is not generated, this /// method returns `WouldBlock` so the program can act accordingly /// (busy wait, async, ...) fn wait_for_stop(&mut self) -> NbResult<(), Error> { if self.i2c.cr1.read().stop().is_no_stop() { Ok(()) } else { Err(WouldBlock) } } /// Sends the (7-Bit) address on the I2C bus. The 8th bit on the bus is set /// depending on wether it is a read or write transfer. fn send_addr(&self, addr: u8, read: bool) { self.i2c.dr.write(|w| { w.dr().bits(addr << 1 | (if read {1} else {0})) }); } /// Generate STOP condition fn send_stop(&self) { self.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.stop().set_bit()); } /// Releases the I2C peripheral and associated pins pub fn free(self) -> ($I2CX, PINS) { (self.i2c, self.pins) } } impl BlockingI2c<$I2CX, PINS> { fn $i2cX( i2c: $I2CX, pins: PINS, mode: Mode, clocks: Clocks, apb: &mut <$I2CX as RccBus>::Bus, start_timeout_us: u32, start_retries: u8, addr_timeout_us: u32, data_timeout_us: u32 ) -> Self { blocking_i2c(I2c::$i2cX(i2c, pins, mode, clocks, apb), clocks, start_timeout_us, start_retries, addr_timeout_us, data_timeout_us) } fn send_start_and_wait(&mut self) -> NbResult<(), Error> { // According to http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/errata_sheet/f5/50/c9/46/56/db/4a/f6/CD00197763.pdf/files/CD00197763.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.CD00197763.pdf // 2.14.4 Wrong behavior of I2C peripheral in master mode after a misplaced STOP let mut retries_left = self.start_retries; let mut last_ret: NbResult<(), Error> = Err(WouldBlock); while retries_left > 0 { self.nb.send_start(); last_ret = busy_wait_cycles!(self.nb.wait_after_sent_start(), self.start_timeout); if last_ret.is_err() { self.nb.reset(); } else { break; } retries_left -= 1; } last_ret } fn write_without_stop(&mut self, addr: u8, bytes: &[u8]) -> NbResult<(), Error> { self.send_start_and_wait()?; self.nb.i2c.sr1.read(); self.nb.send_addr(addr, false); busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, addr), self.addr_timeout)?; self.nb.i2c.sr1.read(); self.nb.i2c.sr2.read(); self.nb.i2c.dr.write(|w| { w.dr().bits(bytes[0]) }); for byte in &bytes[1..] { busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, tx_e), self.data_timeout)?; self.nb.i2c.dr.write(|w| { w.dr().bits(*byte) }); } busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, btf), self.data_timeout)?; Ok(()) } } impl Write for BlockingI2c<$I2CX, PINS> { type Error = NbError; fn write(&mut self, addr: u8, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.write_without_stop(addr, bytes)?; self.nb.send_stop(); busy_wait_cycles!(self.nb.wait_for_stop(), self.data_timeout)?; Ok(()) } } impl Read for BlockingI2c<$I2CX, PINS> { type Error = NbError; fn read(&mut self, addr: u8, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { self.send_start_and_wait()?; self.nb.i2c.sr1.read(); self.nb.send_addr(addr, true); busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, addr), self.addr_timeout)?; match buffer.len() { 1 => { self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ack().clear_bit()); self.nb.i2c.sr1.read(); self.nb.i2c.sr2.read(); self.nb.send_stop(); busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, rx_ne), self.data_timeout)?; buffer[0] = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); busy_wait_cycles!(self.nb.wait_for_stop(), self.data_timeout)?; self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ack().set_bit()); } 2 => { self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.pos().set_bit().ack().set_bit()); self.nb.i2c.sr1.read(); self.nb.i2c.sr2.read(); self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ack().clear_bit()); busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, btf), self.data_timeout)?; self.nb.send_stop(); buffer[0] = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); buffer[1] = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); busy_wait_cycles!(self.nb.wait_for_stop(), self.data_timeout)?; self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.pos().clear_bit().ack().clear_bit()); self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ack().set_bit()); } buffer_len => { self.nb.i2c.sr1.read(); self.nb.i2c.sr2.read(); let (first_bytes, last_two_bytes) = buffer.split_at_mut(buffer_len - 3); for byte in first_bytes { busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, rx_ne), self.data_timeout)?; *byte = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); } busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, btf), self.data_timeout)?; self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ack().clear_bit()); last_two_bytes[0] = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); self.nb.send_stop(); last_two_bytes[1] = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); busy_wait_cycles!(wait_for_flag!(self.nb.i2c, rx_ne), self.data_timeout)?; last_two_bytes[2] = self.nb.i2c.dr.read().dr().bits(); busy_wait_cycles!(self.nb.wait_for_stop(), self.data_timeout)?; self.nb.i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.ack().set_bit()); } } Ok(()) } } impl WriteRead for BlockingI2c<$I2CX, PINS> { type Error = NbError; fn write_read( &mut self, addr: u8, bytes: &[u8], buffer: &mut [u8], ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { if !bytes.is_empty() { self.write_without_stop(addr, bytes)?; } if !buffer.is_empty() { self.read(addr, buffer)?; } else if !bytes.is_empty() { self.nb.send_stop(); busy_wait_cycles!(self.nb.wait_for_stop(), self.data_timeout)?; } Ok(()) } } )+ } } hal! { I2C1: (_i2c1), I2C2: (_i2c2), }